Top 10 List of Week 01
Eko Julianto Salim --- Jakarta

Top 10 List of Week 01

This list is written in no particular order :)

1. Vimium

This is a github repo link to a web browser exentesions. As it turns out, we can use vim-like keybindings to navigate the browser without our fingers leaving the keyboard. For example, we can use hjkl to scroll and f to follow a link.

2. Neovim

This is a github repo link to a fork of vim. Vim is quite old at this point and if you have made a custom .vimrc, you know how dated it can be. Neovim is a fork of vim that aims to be more modern and extensible.

3. Unix Permissions Calculator

This is link to an online tool/calculator for Unix permissions. Sometimes when I can’t remember how the octal codes work (or the specifics), it can be useful to have a calculator like this.

4. Interactive Kubernetes Tutorial

This is an online Kubernetes tutorial which interactively teaches the basics of K8s. It uses an online virtual environment to simulate a Kubernetes deployment.

5. Choose an open source license

This website provides a simple guide to choose a license. Given that licenses can get really complicated, this really helps in choosing what license to use.

6. Git Submodules

This is a link to the a chapter of the online Pro Git Book by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub. This chapter describes the use of git submodules, that is a git repository as a subdirectory of another git repository. Git submodules are pretty interesting, they can be use in multitudes of way such as automatically updating relevant libraries or making a central repo for deployments.

7. Docker Compose

This is a link to an explanation fo Docker Compose. With docker-compose, we can run multi-container Docker applications easily.

8. RegExr

I guess that this is a commonly shared link but the usefulness of this tool cannot be understated. This interactive tool really helps to create, validate and test regular expressions.

9. Debian Container using Docker

As an alternative to using VirtualBox, this link provides concise explanations on how to create a Debian ‘guest’ using docker.

10. Useful Bash Aliases

This is a link to an article listing several useful bash aliases such as adding a progress bar to copy (using rsync), sorting by last modified and othher useful aliases.

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